Many of you will be back at work or
school around about now – some of you not till March (in the Southern
Hemisphere at least) when Uni starts, but the holidays are always a wonderful
time for people to completely relax and de-stress and when that happens it
seems that dreams or dream recall increases significantly, hence we at Dreams have a bit
of a back-log of dreams at present – we will get to them all eventually. Please feel free to continue sending
them in and we will endeavour to help you gain some clarity. Thanks so much for your patience!
Night Markets – Pakuranga 12th January 2013
Every single person that comes
through the stall at the Night Market is absolutely amazing, doesn’t matter who
they are - whether they are Wiccan, Hindu, Buddhist, or just not sure what they
believe or if they believe in anything. God always, always wants
them to know that they are all valued and loved! We are beginning to make connections with
some of the other stall holders at the Market and if they get a moment they pop
on by for various things off the menu.
For many it is Dream Interpretation and in some instances dealing with
dark dreams that bring fear, so we get the opportunity to offer interpretations
that may actually not be as bad as they first thought and encourage them in
their journey to understanding what their dreams mean. It is not all doom and gloom though as we are
now regularly seeing people healed from many different things. Whether it is a
broken hand or being born deaf of which we saw both this night with initial
improvements, or having Spiritual Encounters where they get to experience peace
in a way they never have before. It could be Spiritual Cleansing which sees
them freed from dark forces that have been plaguing them or it could be their
first experience with anything spiritual and the supernatural from a “positive”
perspective. Our first night for 2013 was all of the above and then some with
around 30 plus through that got to see, feel and hear how much God loves them
in some way or another!
Cicada 18th January 2013
What a great day at Wise Cicada we
were kept busy till around 4pm today! The first lady through patiently waited
while we finished talking with a friend and I was immediately drawn to her
necklace which “coincidentally” was by the same young and fairly obscure
jeweler that I have the pleasure of having several pieces from. The necklace was a lantern and was purchased
because it had special meaning to her.
It was about to have another whole different meaning as God directed us
to the fact that she had been looking for light along several different paths
and was at the point where a choice was going to have to be made. She confirmed that she had been searching for truth and the many different ways were
confusing and hadn’t yet led her to the Truth (who is a person, and we
proceeded to share about Him with her) – love it when divine appointments are
handed to you on a plate! Teeth falling out can seem
like quite a distressing dream but when explained that wisdom may be needed for
her current set of circumstances, the dreamer visibly relaxed and could
completely relate and after prayer for peace and wisdom felt capable of dealing
with anything. Words of Destiny and Name Readings were definitely hot picks on
the menu with many encouraged from these. Papa loves to show His kids how much
He loves them, even if they don’t know Him yet by seeing them set free from
physical pain. One lady immediately saw pain leave and mobility to her sore arm
restored and her friend who had titanium bolts, sore hip and was walking with a
cane, saw a great improvement and relief from the pain. Love in action…
there anything better?
This was Helen’s last time both at
Wise Cicada and at the Auckland Night Markets – thank you so much Helen we have
really enjoyed having you with us over the last year! Erin will be back at Wise Cicada on Friday 8th February 2013 – if this is
something you are keen on doing feel free to contact us on for
further info and a chat.
Night Markets – Pakuranga 26th January 2013
Although there were only 3 of us
there, God demonstrated His love and power Big Time! It truly was
“off the wall” - as God poured His love out over the 50 plus people who came
through the stall at the Auckland Night Market Pakuranga on Saturday night! A
young man that we had seen a few months back returned with his son’s mother and
shared how things had drastically changed for the better with them since he had
last spoken to us. A truly special
encounter for us and them as we see him more established on his spiritual
journey and a new awakening for her. Four
Indian ladies came through, 3 that needed healing, 2 with intense
10/10 and 8/10 foot pain saw instantaneous healing with the daughter feeling
instant relief from the itching of severe eczema. Looking forward to hearing
back from the many more that needed to check out their broken arms, epilepsy
etc. A young Japanese lady who had never experienced God was visibly touched as
she received joy, peace and love from a Spiritual Encounter with God and strong
words of knowledge revealed to her the God who loves and cares about every
detail of her and her boyfriend’s life. Three high school students were gob
smacked as God had “their numbers” when again strong words of knowledge
encouraged them that He deeply cares about them and has an incredible destiny
and future ahead for them. There are not
enough superlatives as well as space to tell you how much God invaded our
little corner of the Market.
The next Market will be Saturday 9th February 2013 6pm till midnight (Last stall at the end
of the Food Court under the Warehouse in the Car park on Reeves Road in
Pakuranga) come on in and say Hi after you have sampled some of the great
international food or scored some bargains!
The Walls” Training
We have held this training regularly
over the last year and a half and have seen many folk equipped to feel
confident in sharing God’s love, healing and encouragement as they go about
their life. If this excites you and you
are keen to experience this first hand we will be holding another training “Outside the Walls” on Saturday March 23rd 9:30am – 3:00pm at Springs of Life Church 126
Pt Chevalier Rd, Pt Chevalier, Auckland, New Zealand
where you can learn and then participate in the Market
with us afterwards…watch this space for further info or email us at
WARNING – Sharing God’s Love can be
Erin and Andrew will be speaking
about Dreams at Grace Assembly, 540
Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland at 10am Sunday 3rd February 2013 – we would love to see
some of you there!
Don’t forget for those of you that
are keen to unlock the mystery of Dream Interpretation for yourselves we run on
demand the Revelations Dream School which
can be great for social groups or churches
– again just drop us a line at
That’s it for now and until next time may all your dreams be sweet!