Sunday, December 30, 2012

'Tis Always the Season to be Love!

What an incredible year 2012 has been for us here at Dreams.  To say that we have thoroughly enjoyed all the amazing opportunities that we have had to show and be love to all those that we have come across, is almost an understatement.  There is nothing like sharing His Extreme Love whether at the Auckland Night Markets, Wise Cicada, Interpreting Dreams on Radio Rhema, doing Revelations Dream Schools around the country, Training folk up to go “Outside the Walls” or just out and about. 
  12th December 2012  Auckland Night Market - Pakuranga

‘Twas the last market before Christmas and all through the stalls, no one was crying, not one single bawl, for joy had entered a heart that day, the kind of joy no one can take away...

A lady came in asking a few questions, dancing around what she was really wanting to talk about.  She had been looking for Truth in many different places.  In the past week or so she had asked for the true road to be shown to her.  One morning she woke up and saw a bright light in the shape of a cross on her wall from the sunrise. She said that it had never appeared on her wall before and there was nothing that would naturally form that shape - within a couple of minutes it was gone, but she managed to take a picture of it on her iPhone and showed us.  When asked what she thought it was.  She said "A cross" and when asked what it meant to her, she said "Jesus, God."  God was inviting her to have a relationship with Him and she was really eager to begin!

This was the last Auckland Night Market at Pakuranga for 2012 and as always we saw people encounter God where they needed it most for their current set of circumstances. One lovely young couple had been battling with thoughts of suicide and were visibly touched and did not want to leave as they were hearing life and hope in the words, destiny and prayers spoken over them. With 50 plus through and by the stall we saw many receive encouraging words from the Destiny Cards, healing for one man’s ankle and anothers shoulder.

It has been an awesome opportunity to spend 2012 at the Markets sharing God’s love with those of all ages, races and beliefs. We are looking forward to returning in 2013 on January 12th.

14th December 2012 Wise Cicada

This was our final visit to Wise Cicada for 2012.  It has been so wonderful having the opportunity to be available to interpret folk’s dreams and see lives impacted by sharing the love of God as they pick from our “Spiritual Menu”.  We had our “regular time” with one of the ladies from Wise Cicada, who is such a delight and we have really enjoyed getting to know her over the past few months.  A young student from South Africa sat down with us while his friend was in getting some help from the Naturopath, they both ended up chatting with us and were encouraged from both Words of Destiny and a dream that Helen shared that she had which was for the other young South African.  An elderly lady kept exclaiming how amazing it was that she decided to come into the cafe/shop today never expecting to be blessed on her spiritual journey.

The team is having a break until the 12th January next year which is when the first market is.  If you have been inspired by reading these testimonies and are interested in learning how easy and how much fun it is to share the Extreme Love of Jesus, please don’t hesitate to contact Erin/Andrew at and we would be more than happy to discuss “Outside the Walls” training with you or your group.

The Dreams team would like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!